On Sunday, 2078-03-06 Central Department of Library and Information Science, TU organized Webinar series-7 entitled “Localization of DDC and Sears’ List of Subject Headings: DDC for Satya Sai Baba literature and Nepali Subject Heading”. The presenters are well known Librarians of Nepal Bina Vaidhya and Gita Thapa. Gita Thapa explained how she came with the expansion of DDC 298 class number. She had listed thousands of Satye Sai literatures and arranged DDC class numbers for them in a system, for which she received permission to use from OCLC, the publisher of DDC.
Similarly, Bina Vaidhya presented ‘Nepali Subject Heading’. She and her team is in the process for collecting Nepali subject headings which were used in different libraries. There are many subjects dealt in Nepali literature. The local subjects are out of the reach for the international subjects heading list, so the preparation of Nepali subject heading list is very important and necessary.
On those two presentation, Associate Professor Rudra Prasad Dulal and the President of the Nepal Library Association Indra Prasad Adhikari had made their reviews. Both had expressed their appreciation and suggestion on their work. In the same manner, MLISc students Arun Kumar Rai, Mahendra Adhikari, Kishor Poudel and Bindu Adhikari had added their votes of thanks to the presenters and the relevancy of the topic in their understanding. Associate Professor Bhim Dhoj Shrestha, Surye Chhetri, Kishor Subedi, Goma Banjade had also expressed their views in the program.
The short introduction to the presenters and the objectives of the program was presented by the faculties Lila and Parbati, while the program was conducted by Sarita and chaired by HOD Nira Manandhar.
Participation in Education Council Meeting
The Educational Council Assembly was held on 13 Poush, 2080 BS (29 Dec, 2023) by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (FOHSS). The HoD of CDLIS, Lila Nyaichyai, Ph.D. had participated in the meeting. She raised three agendas : 1. CDLIS can contribute for the...