The Virtual VuFind Summit-2021 ( 15-17 November, 2021) has been started by today 6:45 pm Nepali time. The manager of VuFind Software Demian Katz has presented the state of VuFind Software. He has presented the development of the software, new updates and future plans too. The summit starts with the presentation of Mario Trojan on ‘IxTheo Authority Search’. All together ten presentations are being presented during the summit. Presenters form India, Nepal, Germany, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, and the USA, has been participated. Central Department of Library and Information Science, TU is copartner with VuFind Summit-2021.
The Program Schedule is given as following:
VuFind Summit 2021-Program schedule
Participation in Education Council Meeting
The Educational Council Assembly was held on 13 Poush, 2080 BS (29 Dec, 2023) by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (FOHSS). The HoD of CDLIS, Lila Nyaichyai, Ph.D. had participated in the meeting. She raised three agendas : 1. CDLIS can contribute for the...