2078-04-23 Saturday, the Central Department of Library and Information Science, TU and The Federation of Nepalese Books and Stationary Business, Kathmandu District Committee has jointly celebrated the 14th Library Day by organizing a panel discussion on the topic “Symbiotic Relation between Libraries and Publishers” on Zoom. The panelist were Bishnu Kumari Bhattari, Register of Copyright Office, Dhanaraj Acharya, former president of FNBSB Central Committee, and vice president of United Nepal Publication, Purna Lal Shrestha, Chief librarian of TUCL, Prem Adhikari, Undersecretary library of Ministry of Forestry and Environment and Ram Chandra Timothy, Chairman of Ekta Publication House. Purna Lal Shrestha stressed on the need of cooperation between Libraries and Publisher. Panelist Dhanaraj Acharya focused on the need of having libraries in every corner of the country and develop the reading habit apart from the purpose of attending examination. Panelist Ram Chandra Timothi demanded the systematic service of ISBN from TUCL. Prem Adhikari emphasized the need of developing institutional relations between Libraries and Publishers rather than personal relations so that the cooperation be sustainable. Panelist Bishnu Kumari Bhattarai announced to be conscious on protecting creator’s right and at the same time creators should register their works before of after publishing the work. The copyright office is responsible to maintain the originality of the work and securing the creators’ right. The need of managing in digital publication was another important issue raised during the discussion. The incorporation of cataloguing in Publication (CIP) and indexing are matter of significance to be included in every publications.
Audience have also raised their questions and opinions during the program. They were concerned about the good quality publications for the libraries. They expressed the worries that libraries are being compelled to buy cheap books due to budget constrain. The commercial and non-commercial motives has to be come up with common agenda of implanting reading habits on Nepalese population. During the program Mahesh Sharma, EX-Chairman, FNBSB KTM has commented on various issues. At the same time he appreciated the common platform being created while celebrating 14th library day. The member secretary of the 14th Library Day Celebration Committee, Yadav Chandra Niraula explained how libraries have been working with Publishers and wiling to further develop the relations. Manahari Basyal, Chairman of
FNBSB congratulated for the success of the program.
The HOD Nira Manandhar has expressed the votes of thanks and chaired the program. Assistant Professor Sarita Gautam and Parbati Pandey has presented the subject matters. Assistant Professor Dr. Lila Nyaichyai has hosted the panel discussion. Shreedhar Aachaya, Chairman of FNBSB Kathmandu has welcomed the program.
For the preparation of the program Kishor Poudel, member of FNBSB Kathmandu and the student of CDLIS has coordinated well. there was 4 meetings for the preparation.
The news on the program was published in Online Khabar too.News on Panel discussion
The record of the program is uploaded for public view. here is the link given.Symbiotic Relation between Libraries and Publishers in Nepal
Participation in Education Council Meeting
The Educational Council Assembly was held on 13 Poush, 2080 BS (29 Dec, 2023) by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (FOHSS). The HoD of CDLIS, Lila Nyaichyai, Ph.D. had participated in the meeting. She raised three agendas : 1. CDLIS can contribute for the...